FCA is deeply honored & thrilled to announce it's new relationship with North Shore Animal League America (NSALA)!
Sound the trumpets! NSALA is the world's largest no kill animal rescue & adoption organization, located in Port Washington, NY (Long Island). They will now begin to accept some of our Culebra animals that we cannot place into homes elsewhere. This is very good news as we are are often short on fosters and despite all of our very hard work at spaying & neutering (more on that later), there always seem to be more kittens, puppies, cats & dogs than we can handle, so it certainly lightens our load of placing animals into their forever homes, but we still arrange the travel crate, transportation (to main island and airline to the US), veterinary visits for a clean bill of health, travel certificates, etc. All of this is done with the donations that you, kind reader and donor, allow us to do. FCA generates and pays for everything via donated dollars. This partnership has been a goal of FCA's for several years, and we have Holly Giordano Lyons & Lori Novis to thank for this connection. FCA has relationships with many great organizations and fosters among them are Robbie Hendricks Douyard, Island Dog, All Sato Rescue, Save A Gato, PuertoRico Alliance for Companion Animals, Silvia Carreno, and we rely & appreciate all that every one does. And great new is that the Paper Bag Kitties were our delivery to NSALA to find their happy home! Imagine the possibilities!
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![]() It is inspiring when the community comes together for a common cause and to witness the good will it generates, the FCA 2017 Spring Auction was the embodiment of all that! With many thanks to the Culebra Municipality we moved the venue to the Cancha Bajo Techo Juan De la Cruz Soto (basketball courts behind EL Batey). The breezy, spacious location welcomed guests to peruse the enticing auction items while being serenaded by the dulcet tones of Mariel & Doug. A refreshing selection of luscious Lagunitas libations generously donated by Robert C., plus the impressive buffet of delectable delights organized by Darleen & created by Culebra’s culinary capable certainly sated the crowd. John reprised his role as the animated auctioneer complete with two agreeably awesome assistants, Olivia & Rachel! The super organized Barb & her beautiful bevy of helpers, Mary, Helena, Ann & Nadeen did an outstanding job seeking & procuring donations from all of the fabulous businesses, delicious restaurants, cozy guest houses, amazing artists & generous caring others. Not to forget cheerful, creative Claude who designed the perfect poster for this year. Good people enjoying a good time & doing good in the process. Helping Friends of Culebra Animals continue its mission of helping the animals of our beloved island. Deep gratitude to all that helped plan, helped the day of, those that attended & helped to make it very successful! Photo credit Thanks to M.J. Stark
Please note that here in Culebra we have no one to attend to pet emergencies! The monthly mobile vet clinics are for prescheduled appointments for surgeries and vaccines/well visits only. Please read the following info and keep it handy. We created a special tab "PET EMERGENCIES" at the top of this blog, so that the information is easily accessible at any time. Spanish version is included in the info. Thank you.
PET EMERGENCY INFO Hi Culebra pet owners, please keep this information for future reference. To ensure you are prepared for a pet emergency, please be sure to have a plastic carrier/crate in which you may transport your pet. You may purchase (in person or online and pick up in the store) a plastic carrier/crate (we recommend Grreat Choice carrier/crate) from PetsMart in Fajardo. If you have a pet that needs sterilization now or urgent veterinary care, please do NOT wait until our monthly mobile vet arrives! You can see a vet in Fajardo. Saludos dueños de mascotas de Culebra, por favor guarden esta información como referencia para el futuro. Para asegurarte de que estás preparado para una emergencia veterinaria, por favor asegúrate de tener un cargador o jaula plástica para poder transportar tu mascota. Lo puedes comprar directamente en la tienda o por internet y luego recogerlo en la tienda. Recomendamos la marca Great Choice de PetSmart en Fajardo. Si tienes una mascota que necesita ser esterilizada inmediatamente o tienes una emergencia veterinaria, por favor, ¡NO esperes hasta que regrese la clínica rodante! Puedes visitar un veterinario en Fajardo. Dr. Delgado Ave. Conquistador 787-860-5237 Open Mon-Fri 8-5 Saturday 8-11 Abierto lunes a viernes de 8-5 Sábado de 8-11 Dr. DeJesus Rt. 3 787-863-3696 Fajardo Animal Hospital Near Cinema/cerca del Cine (787) 863-9000 For Emergencies, PLEASE do not wait until late in the day; Vets in Fajardo close at 5:00 PM Mon-Fri and 11:00 AM on Saturday. The last flights to San Juan for Emergency Clinic care are often full. There are no medicines in Culebra for emergency care nor personnel to handle pet emergencies or illnesses. Pets must be seen by a veterinarian on the main island. Por favor, no esperes hasta muy tarde en el día para atender emergencias; los veterinarios en Fajardo cierran a las 5:00pm de lunes a viernes y a las 11:00am los sábados. Los últimos vuelos a San Juan para ir a las clínicas de emergencias por lo general están llenos. En Culebra no hay medicamentos ni personal para atender emergencias o enfermedades. Hay que llevar las mascotas a un veterinario en la isla grande. Animal Emergency Hospital Ave. Domenech (787) 765-1120 24/7 Animal Hospital Ave. Jesús T. Piñero (787) 751-3737 We know your pet is part of your family and are eager to ensure you are prepared in case of an emergency. Please save this information for your pets! Thank you Sabemos que tu mascota es parte de la familia y que estás muy interesado en asegurarte de que estás preparado para una emergencia. ¡Por favor guarda esta información para tus mascotas! Gracias Pet Friendly Taxi Info: IN FAJARDO: (787) 354-5851 John Taxi (787) 448-7967 Luis Taxi (939) 644-2817 Joel Taxi And any others you might know of. IN SAN JUAN: +1 (787) 632-9600. Henry AIR FLAMENCO (CULEBRA) 787-742-0058 787-742-1040 Please Share!
Clínica Veterinaria! Sabado 2 abril 2016 Esterilizaciones/dentales. Domingo 3 abril 2016 Vacunas/consultas. Por cita prévia. 787/409-6380 y dejar mensaje Por favor! Gracias!😀 -- Vet Clinic! Saturday 2 April, 2016 sterilizations and dentals. Sunday 3 April, 2016 vaccines/consults. By appointment only. 787/409-6380 and please leave a message. Thank you! 😀 The monthly mobile vet clinic conducted by Dr. Cruz and his staff took place on Monday, Feb. 22 (surgeries) and Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2016 (vaccines and consults). We thank Jim and Barbara Peterson for providing their residence as the venue for all the fury patients.
The February clinic saw 26 cats and 3 dogs neutered/sterilized. 24 animals were seen for consultation and vaccines. FCA sponsors the TNR (Trap Neuter Release) program for Culebra's feral cats. FCA also sponsors a Foster program for cats and dogs that are in need of finding permanent loving forever homes. We cannot thank Dr. Cruz and his staff enough for coming over on the ferry every month to set up and conduct his much needed clinic. A big thank you to all, including the volunteers, for their tremendous efforts in providing hard work before, during, and after each monthly clinic. For lack of recent photos we include one from a previous clinic...Cruz Veterinary Services...doing wonders for Culebra and its animals :) Please pop over to our "success stories" tab and read about Dewey, the Cat (rescued from Culebra Beach Villas) and Nariz, the Dog (rescued from Tamarindo Beach). It will warm your heart to know that they are living happily in their loving forever homes in the States. Thank you to our Friends of Culebra Animals community, to all who volunteer their time and talents and to all who donate money to make sad stories turn into success stories :)
We are in the process of updating info on our website/blog here. The "BLOG" tab is the one where our readers will find the blog posts about our monthly activities.
Please also check our FCA Page on Facebook for information, and if you like what you see please "like" us when you visit by clicking the link below. https://www.facebook.com/friendsofculebraanimals Thank you for being a part of our efforts to help the animals of Culebra :) Cruz Veterinary Services -- June 2015 Friends of Culebra Animals sponsored its 4th straight month of veterinary clinics with Dr. Cruz, Rosarita, Dr. Sammy and Alvaris. We had a great turnout again. Over 50 animals were tended to during the 2-day clinic, including emergency cases. There is a great deal of preparation for the mobile vet clinic that comes from Fajardo, PR, and for Friends of Culebra Animals. Dr. Cruz works the night shift in a San Juan Animal Emergency Clinic. Following his shift, he prepares his mobile unit for several hours for Culebra. Cruz Veterinary Services puts in 2 intense days here, working almost non-stop to cater to our animals. There are many people who you may never see working behind the scenes to make these monthly vet clinics happen. Our pets and feral animals are indebted to their dedication. Every time. At every clinic. Here are photo captures of Dr. Cruz Mobile Vet Clinic from 2015. We are so fortunate to have Dr. Cruz and his team coming over to Culebra every month to hold the clinics. FCA sponsors part of the clinics...including our TNR (trap-neuter-release) program. Many volunteers also help to make it happen. And of course our Culebrense community needs a special mention for taking the time to attend the clinics with their pets in order to give them a healthy and happy life. Thank you to all :) Thank you for spending some time with Friends of Culebra Animals, formerly known as Animal Welfare of Culebra. Whether you are a resident, tourist, or someone simply interested in helping animals and the organizations behind animal welfare, we look forward to your support and ideas. Please remember: Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead |
©2017 Friends of Culebra Animals, Inc.
PO Box 527
Culebra, PR 00775
PO Box 527
Culebra, PR 00775